
Customer satisfaction analysis

Dear Customer,

One of the main values on which RTI leans onto and focus its own quality targets, is the attention to your needs full satisfaction.

We wish to point you out that it is very important for us knowing your opinion, in regard of some aspects of our service, in order improve our offer to you.

We kindly invite you to dedicate just very few minutes to fill up the following survey by using the below criteria points:

-          For each Operative Area of your Role/Company, select the Scale of Importance such as: 3. Very important – 2. Important – 1. Less Important

-          For each Service function, select your level of satisfaction such as: from 1 as Not Satisfied up to 6 as Very Satisfied

Once you finish filling the survey up, in case, the system will inform you which course still need to be covered.

To allow us correctly identify the reference, inside RTI, for any out lined inefficiencies, we kindly ask you fill up the information regarding the sender (Corporate Name and Registration Number are mandatory for statistical purposes)



1. Riscontrate qualche problema con i nostri prodotti/servizio?
2. Cosa potremmo fare per facilitare il vostro lavoro?
3. Avete ulteriori suggerimenti da darci?
4. C'è qualcosa che, secondo voi, facciamo particolarmente bene?
Business name 
Job / Office
First name